Photo (c) P. Casteran
Contact information
E-mail: serge.chaumette at
Phone: +33 (0)5 40 00 69 04
Fax: +33 (0)5 40 00 66 69
Office: #109
LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux,
351 Cours de la Libération,
F-33405 Talence Cedex,
googlemap location
Serge Chaumette
Professor at the
Computer Science Department at
Université de Bordeaux
Researcher at the LaBRI ,
Bordeaux Computer Science Research Laboratory
Co-founder @ NFC-i
Major domains of expertise: swarming, autonomous systems, drones, robots, sensors, IoT, distributed systems and algorithms, security, certification, smart cards.
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@5 apr. 2018
I was invited to particpate in the Mission Bordeaux Métropole 2050 - topic of the day : digital technology
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@28 feb. 2018
I completed an evaluation of applications for awarding the right to supervise PhD candidates
for University of Luxembourg
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@27 feb. 2018
I accepted to serve as external expert for the evaluation of an
ADR applications at the University of Luxembourg
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@26 feb. 2018
Completed 3 evaluations of applications for awarding the right to supervise PhD candidates
for University of Luxembourg
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@20 jan. 2018
Project Real Time Drones to Cloud to Glasses 3D Reconstruction
has been selected and wil be funded by the
Albatros GIS (a Scientific
Alliance with Thales Avionics, Thales Defense Mission Systems).
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@21 jan. 2018
I accepted to serve as external expert for the evaluation of three
ADR applications at the University of Luxembourg
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@20 jan. 2018
I accepted the request to review an article for the journal
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ISSN: 09218890) published by Elsevier.
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@8 jan. 2018
Paper Chaos-enhanced mobility models for multilevel swarms of UAVs
accepted in journal Swarm and Evolutionary Computation published by Elsevier.
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@6 jan. 2018
Joined IEEE PIMRC 2018, the 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications,as a TPC member.
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News not updated between dec. 2016 and dec. 2017
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@14 dec. 2016
Invited talk at Network of Drones session at DNAC 2016,
Télécom ParisTech, Paris, 12-14 dec. 2016.
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@9 dec. 2016
Paper Using the Soundpainting language to Fly a Swarm of Drones
accepted at 8th International
Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2017, Los Angeles, 17-21 July, 2017.
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News not updated between nov. 2014 and dec. 2016
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@25 nov. 2014
NFC-Interactive among the three projects / startups
selected for presentation at
1ière Convention Nationale des SATT,
Paris, November 25, 2014
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@13-14 nov. 2014
Public Private Partneship in the domain of Internet of Things and Smart Cities
S. Chaumette, invited speaker at
FCL 2014, The second France-China Leaders (FCL) Summit,
Bordeaux, November 13-14, 2014
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@6-7 nov. 2014
A Multilevel Platform for Secure Communications in a Fleet of Mobile Phones.
S. Chaumette and J.Ouoba (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland).
MobiCASE 2014, Sixth International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services, Austin, Texas, United States, November 6-7, 2014
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@3-5 nov. 2014
Supporting degraded mode of operation in swarms/fleets of unmanned (aerial) vehicles: theoretical issues and illustrative scenarios.
S. Chaumette, invited speaker at FLYNET: Micro and Nano Aerial Vehicle
Networks for Civilian Use, ETH Zurich, November 3-5, 2014.
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@28-30 oct. 2014
ParCS-S2 : Park Cleaning Swarm Supervision System - a position paper.
V.Autefage, A.Casteler, S.Chaumette, N.Daguisé,
A.Dutartre & T.Mehamli.
AIRTEC 9th International Aerospace Supply Fair Congress,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany<,October 28-30, 2014.
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@22-25 oct. 2014
Direct transmission vs. relay transmission for information
dissemination in a MANET: an analytical study.
S. Chaumette and J.Ouoba (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland).
COLLABORATECOM 2014, 10th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, Miami, Florida, United States, October 22-25, 2014
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Working on a special issue on security of UAVs
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Working on a new book on UAVs
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Involved in the proposal of 3 new ANR projects
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We just launched the 2014-2015 edition of the ConceptDrone challenge
Erdos Number=3 (S.Chaumette/M.Cosnard/G.Silberman/P.Erdos)
Involvments [ top ]
- participating in the
Mission Bordeaux Métropole 2050
Duties [ top ]
- Head of the
(Mobility, Ubiquity, Security) research group at LaBRI
- Member of the Scientific Council of LaBRI
- In charge of RPAS (drones) activities at LaBRI
- Member of the Steering Committee of the
Aetos RPAS Aquitaine Cluster
- Co-head of the Teleoperated Systems group of the Albatros GIS,
a Scientific Alliance with Thales Avionics, Thales Defense Mission Systems.
- Member of the
Cluster of Excellence for Numerical certification
and reliability (axis Reliability, Quality Assurance & Security).
- Head of the Networks, Systems and Mobility track of the
Master in Computer Science, University of Bordeaux
- Elected member of the Council of the Computer Science UF
of the Science and Technology College, University of Bordeaux
(since Octobre 23rd, 2014)
- Member of the Drones Market Comission of the World Competitiveness Cluster for Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems
Aerospace Valley
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the
MIRES federation

- Associate Editor of the
International Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms
- Member of the Editorial Board/Co-Editor of
Drones Networks
- member of the Editorail Board of
Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS)
- President of the
Isabelle Attali Prize association
- Member of the Jury of the Isabelle Attali Prize
Intarnational Duties [ top ]
- expert by the Europen Union for FP7 and non FP programs
- expert by the Quebec Resarch Fund
- ADR evaulator for University of Luxembourg
Affiliations [ top ]
- Member of the IEEE
- Member of the IEEE group on Portableg Information Devices (PID)
- Member of the Situation Management Subcommittee of the Tactical Communications & Operations Technical Committee of the IEEE Communication Society
- Member of the ACM (renewal in progress)
- Member of the IFIP WG 8.8 Smart Cards
- Member of the IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security
- Member of
- Registered UE expert for FP7 and non FP programs
- Registered ANR expert
- AERES expert
- expert scientifique et technique auprès de la DRRT pour avis de la directionon des services fiscaux pour le direction generale des finance publiques
dans le cadre de l'obtention du statut Jeune Entreprise Innovante (JEI)
Publications [ top ]
My list of publications
is automatically extracted from the HAL open archive system (list to be completed).
Useful information
Talks [ top ]
Not up-to-date, talks to be added.
- Robot, mes amis ?.
Serge Chaumette,
Bordeaux Geek Festival 2017, Bordeaux, May 28, 2017.
pdf ]
pps 97-2003 ]
ppsx ]
zip source(s) ]
- Du pigeon photographe aux essaims de micro-drones autonomes bio-inspirés.
Serge Chaumette,
Pint of Science 2017, Bordeaux, May 17, 2017.
pdf ]
pps 97-2003 ]
zip source(s) ]
- A Secure and Trusted Protocol for Enhancing Safety of On-Ground Airplanes Using UAVs. Raja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes,
Pierre-François Bonnefoi, Damien Sauveron, Serge Chaumette, 17th Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) Conference, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, VA, April 18-20, 2017.
pdf ] [
source(s) ]
- An Efficient Protocol for the Security of UAS Collected Data and of UAS Control from GCS. Raja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes,
Pierre-François Bonnefoi, Damien Sauveron, Serge Chaumette, 17th Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) Conference, Westin Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, VA, April 18-20, 2017.
pdf ] [
source(s) ]
- Talks list not updates between November 2014 and April 2017
- Public Private Partneship in the domain of Internet of Things
and Smart Cities.S. Chaumette, invited talk at FCL 2014, The second
France-China Leaders (FCL) Summit, Bordeaux, November 13-14, 2014
pdf ]
- Supporting degraded mode of operation in swarms/fleets of unmanned
(aerial) vehicles: theoretical issues and illustrative
scenarios.S. Chaumette, invited talk at FLYNET: Micro and Nano Aerial Vehicle
Networks for Civilian Use, ETH Zurich, November 3-5, 2014
pdf ]
- SUS presentation at 6ème Assises de l'Embarqué, Octobre 28th 2013
with Jean-Pierre Tual, Director, Industrial Relations, Technology and Innovation Department, gemalto
pdf ]
- Thales visit at LaBRI on security topic, Octobre 21st 2013
pdf ]
- MRIS (DGA) delegation visit at LaBRI, June 7th 2013
pdf ]
- Chineese delegation visit at LaBRI, June 4th 2013
pdf ]
Jurys and committees membership [ top ]
- Evaluations of applications for awarding the right to supervise PhD candidates
- 2018
- 4 evaluations for University of Luxembourg
- Advisory commissions for University positions
- 2018
- Professor position in Robotics, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, 2018.
- Academic promotion referee and references
- 2017
- Expert testimony (letter) for the application of Dr. Junfei Xie to the First
Preference Employment-based visa category (EB1(b)) for the Outstanding
Researchers and Professors (United States)
- 2016
- External Advisor for the Academic Staffing and Titles Committee of Royal Holloway, University
of London, for the promotion a Doctor to a Professor prosition.
April 2016
- 2015
- External reviewer for Dr. Kamesh Namuduri's application for promotion to the rank of full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of North Texas (UNT).
- HDR (accreditation to supervice research) defense committees
- 2014
- (examineur)
Damien Sauveron,
XLIM, Université de Limoges
Sécurité et interactions des << smart secure devices >>
et des << réseaux mobiles >>
scheduled Q4 2014
- 2011
- (reviewer) Yves Mahéo, Laboratoire Valoria, Université de Bretagne Sud/ Université Européenne de Bretagne
Intergiciels pour applications distribuées sur réseaux dynamiques
le 21 avril 2011
- 2010
- (examiner) Lilian Bossuet, Laboratoire IMS, Université de Bordeaux
Contribution à la conception de systèmes numériques reconfigurables,
de l'adéquation algorithme architecture à la sécurité matérielle
le 18 juin 2010
- 2008
- (reviewer) Stéphane Frenot, INSA de Lyon et INRIA Rhônes-Alpes, Université Lyon I
Intergiciels systèmes pour passerelles de services ambiants
le 2 décembre 2008
- (examiner) Marc Dalmau, LIUPPA/IUT de Bayonne, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Plates-formes et virtualisation pour gérer la complexité
le 27 novembre 2008
- PhD defense committees, not including my own students (from 2011, to be completed for previous years)
- 2017
- (examiner)
Ludovic Hofer,
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
Novembre 27th, 2017.
Decision-making algorithms for autnomous robots
- (examiner)
Quentin Rouxel,
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
Decembre 14th, 2017.
- (examiner, reviewer)
Sheila Cobourne,
Smart Card Centre, Information Security Group,
Royal Holloway, University of London,
date n/a.
final title n/a
pdf ]
- (examiner)
Laurent Reynaud,
University of Lyon,
March 30th, 2017
Stratégies de mobilité optimisées pour la
tolérance aux perturbations dans les réseaux sans fil
- 2016
- (examiner, president)
Grégoire Passault,
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
Decembre 14th, 2016.
Optimisation de la locomotion de robots bas coût à pattes
- (examiner, reviewer)
El Houssein Chouaib Harik,
LITIS et GREAH, Université du Havre, Normandie Université,
Octobre 18th, 2016.
Air Ground Cooperation in Mobile Robotics
- 2015
- (examiner, reviewer)
Hassane Aissaoui Mehrez,
Paris 6,
July, 10th, 2015.
Sécurité pour les réseaux du futur : gestion sécurisée des identités
- 2014
- (reviewer)
Graham Ili,
Smart Card Centre, Information Security Group,
Royal Holloway, University of London,
Septembre 26th, 2014.
Security in Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
- (examiner, president)
Ahmed Mouhamadou Wade,
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
January 31th, 2014.
Complexity of dynamic graph exploration by a mobile agent
- 2013
- (examiner)
Mouhannad Alatar,
LIFC, FEMO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté,
?? ??, 2013.
Security supervision of mobile ad hoc networks:
a lightweight, robust and reliable intrusion detection system
- (examiner, president)
Yousri Daldoul,
LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
Novembre 29th, 2013.
Transport Multicast fiable de la vidéo sur le réseau WiFi
Reliable Multicast transport of the video over the WiFi network
- 2012
- (examiner, president)
Cyril Cassagnes,
LaBRI, University Bordeaux 1,
Novembre 12th, 2012.
Architecture Autonome et Distribuée d’Adressage et de
Routage pour la Flexibilité des Communications dans l’Internet
- Abu Nze
- (examiner) Christophe Kiennert, Télécom ParisTech, Ecole Doctorale EDITE
Elaboration d'un modèle d'identité numérique adapté à la convergence
scheduled for early July 2012
- (president) Céline Thuillet, Université Bordeaux I
Implantations cryptographiques sécurisées et outils d'aide à la
validation des contremesures contre les attaques par canaux cachés
le 30 mars 2012
- (president) Dorice Diane Nyamy, Télécom ParisTech, Ecole Doctorale EDITE
Architecture de communication sécurisée pour RFIDs actifs
le 23 février 2012
- 2011
- (president) Henner Jakob, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux
Vers la sécurisation des systèmes d'informatique ubiquitaire
par le design : une approche langage
(Towards securing pervasive computing systems by design:
a language approach)
le 27 juin 2011
- (examiner) Constantinos Makassikis, Loria/Supélec,
Université Henry Poincaré - Nancy 1, Metz
Conception d'un modèle et de frameworks de distribution
d'applications sur grappes de PCs avec tolérance aux pannes à faible coût
le 2 février 2011
- PhD monitoring committees (order of May 25th 2016 on Doctoral Studies)
- 2022
Rafiq Amari(started 2022/??/??, funded by ??)
supervised by Henri Nicolas and Mounir Zrigui (co-tutelle)
Université de Bordeaux and Université de Monastir
Contribution des modèles neuronaux de bout-en-bout pour la reconnaissance automatique et la compréhension de la parole
Research interests [ top ]
My goal is to contribute to the definition and implementation of
supportive environments, tools and mechanisms formaly validated that
make it possible to use the mobile resources that are wirelessly
connected to the network and to develop
applications on these resources within.
drones, robots, sensors, intelligent task allocation,
collaborative planning, situational awareness, swarm intelligence,
local communication,
distributed systems, distributed objects, mobile ad hoc networks,
security, Java Card, graph relabeling systems, Java
PhD Students (current) [ top ]
- Mathilde Garrigues
(started 2019/11/26, CIFRE, funded by ANRT and Thales)
with Patrick Delpy (Thales)
Planification d'objectifs pour une flotte d'aéronefs multirôles
Heterogeneous aerial vehicle fleet routing and scheduling
Mathilde's publications
- Kendric Ruiz
(started 2017/12/15, funded by the SysNum Cluster of the Excellence Initiative of Bordeaux University)
with Pierre Melchior (Bordeaux University, IMS)
Planification de trajectoire robuste en environnement 3D dynamique par approche fractionnaire
Robust path planning in dynamic 3D environment by fractional approach
Kendric's publications
- Ema Falomir
(started 2016/10/01, CIFRE, funded by ANRT and Thales)
with Gilles Guerrini (Thales)
Optimisation mlulticritère de mission d'un essaim
compact de drones autonomes en envirronement complexe
Multicriterion optimization of mission of a
compact swarm of autonomous drones in a complex environment
Ema's publications
PhD Students (former)
Useful information
- Disertations: all french PhD dissertations are available here
- Ema Falomir
(started 2016/10/01, CIFRE, funded by ANRT and Thales)
with Gilles Guerrini (Thales)
Optimisation mlulticritère de mission d'un essaim
compact de drones autonomes en envirronement complexe
Multicriterion optimization of mission of a
compact swarm of autonomous drones in a complex environment
Ema's publications
- Mohammed Yessin Neggaz
(started 2013/10, defended 2016/10/24, funded by Université)
co-direction with Colette Johnen and co-supervision with Arnaud Casteigts
Automatic classification of dynamic graphs
pdf ]
- Mathieur Barjon
(started 2013/10, defended 2016/12/01, funded by DGA and Région Aquitaine)
co-direction with Colette Johnen and co-supervision with Arnaud Casteigts
Autour des groupes tolérants aux délais dans les flottes mobiles communicantes
pdf ]
- Sébastien Bindel
(started 2012/10, defended 2016/10/03, funded by DGA)
with Olivier Ly
- Vincent Autefage
(defended 2015/10, financement DGA/Région Aquitaine)
with Damien Magoni
- Jonathan Ouoba
(starded 2019/12, defended 213/12)
➜ co-founder @ NFC-i
- Jigar Solanki
(Début 10/2010, financement CNRS)
with David Bromberg and Laurent Réveillère
- Nam Tran
(Début 1/2010, financement AUF)
with Olivier Ly
- Remi Laplace
(Début 09/2008, defended 2012/12, financement DGA)
➜ 2013 PhD award Armée de l'Air (french Air Forces).
➜ more information on
➜ get thesis document [
pdf ]
- Renaud Tabarry
(Début 09/2009, financement DBI CNRS Région Aquitaine)
with Olivier Ly
- Jeremie Albert
(started 2007/09, defended 2012/12)
Un environnement de développement et dexécution pour la classe des réseaux mobiles de type MANet (Mobile Ad hoc Networks).
Financement Ministère
- Lionel Barrere
(defended 2009/07)
Etude et proposition de services dans le cadre de réseaux mobiles de type MANet
Financement DGA
- Achraf Karray
with Université de Sfax, Tunisie
- Eve Atallah
with Pierre-François Bonnefoi, Université de Limoges
Authentification et échanges sécurisés dans une flotte nomade
- Arnaud Casteigts
Systèmes de réétiquetage de graphes (GRS) et réseaux mobiles ad-hoc (MANets) -- Modèles et environnements logiciels
- Damien Sauveron
Etude et réalisation d'un environnement d'expérimentation et de modélisation
pour la technologie Java Card. Application à la sécurité.
currently Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor) at
Université de Limoges
- Pierre Vigneras
Vers une programmation locale et distribuée unifiée au travers
de l'utilisation de conteneurs actifs et de références asynchrones
currently assistant professor at GIKI
- Pascal Grange
currently at cvf
- Asier Ugarte
currently at cvf
Useful information
Interns (current) [ top ]
Rules for internships in France:

You will also need to provide me with a vitae with your phone number and e-mail, a copy of your ID showing your nationality, place and date of birth, and and insurance certificate covering civil liability.
- Ampleev, Iaroslav
- program : Master 1, Computer Science for Image and Sound, University Bordeaux
- period : 2017/05/15 to 2017/08/31
- funded by : Mav Solutions
- subject : initial developments of the Phoenix project
- co-direction : G. Cordé (Mav Solutions), G. Dias(Mav Solutions), P.Desbarats(LaBRI)
- Druon, Raphaël
- program : Licence 3, Computer Science, University Bordeaux
- period : 2017/05/29 to 2017/07/07
- funded by : residue budget
- subject : initial developments of the Thunderbirds project
- co-direction : F. Guinand (LITIS)
Interns (former) [ top ]
- Morel, Nicolas
- program : 1ière, Lycée des Graves, Bordeaux
- period : from 2016/06/30 to 2016/07/08
- funded by : n/a
- subject : job shadowing
- co-direction : n/a
- Delrée, Sylvain
- program : Licence 1, Computer Science, Universiy Bordeaux
- period : from 2016/06/15 to 2016/??/??
- funded by : excellence internship program of University Bordeaux
- subject : confidential
- co-direction : n/a
- Aragon, Nicolas
- program : Master 1, Cryptology and Information Security, University of Limoges
- period : from 2016/05/30 to 2016/07/15
- funded by : n/a
- subject : Network coding in a swarm of UAVs
- co-direction : D. Sauveron (XLIM and LaBRI), M. Rousseau (Thales)
- Casteteler, Arnaud
- program : Master 2, Computer Science, Networks, Systems and Mobility, University Bordeaux
- period : from 2016/02/01 to 2016/06/30
- funded by : Netcot project
- subject : Network coding in a swarm of UAVs
- co-direction : D. Sauveron (XLIM and LaBRI), M. Rousseau (Thales)
Projects (definition in progress) [ top ]
- ConBot
- partners: LaBRI, Stock d'Idées
Projects (submited) [ top ]
Projects (current) [ top ]
WS/WPS Bubble -
- goal: confidential - patents pending
- approach:
- role: project leader, principal investigator
- funded by: n/a
- global budget: n/a
- LaBRI budget: n/a
- partners: n/a
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- notification date: n/a
- start date: 2018/03/01
- expected duration: n/a
- restricted area
Image source:
DEAN - interaction of a NFC mobile phone with an electrochromic device
- goal: confidential - patent pending
- approach:
- role: co-investigator
- funded by: pre maturation fund of the Excellente Initiave of the University of Bordeaux
- global budget: 50.000 euros excluding VAT
- LaBRI budget: 25.000 euros excluding VAT
- partners: LaBRI, ICMCB
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- notification date: 2018/12/12
- start date: n/a
- expected duration: 6 months
- restricted area
➜ I am looing for an Engineer or a PostDoc. If interested contact me.
Image source:
Phoenix - assisted or autonomous flight of a drone in an indoor environment
- goal: achieve assisted or autonomous flight of a drone in an indoor environment and in the absence of GPS
- approach: use 3D cartography and sens & avoid technics implemented on top of several original optical technologies and new adequate algorithms
- role: co-investigator
- funded by: Mav solutions
- budget: n/a
- partners: LaBRI, Mav solutions
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- start date: 2017/05/15
- expected duration: n/a
- restricted area
➜ We are currently working on the definition of a FUI project to support this work.
Image source: Phoenix project
Thunderbirds - control of a remote swarm through a local model swarm
- goal: confidential
- role: project leader, principal investigator
- funded by: residue budget
- budget: n/a
- partners: LaBRI, LITIS - Univ. Le Havre
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- start date: 2017/05/22
- expected duration: n/a
Image source:
POP - the first autonomous marine drone that collects waste and plastic particles
- goal:
- approach:
- role: co-investigator
- funded by: n/a
- global budget: n/a
- LaBRI budget: n/a
- partners: Stock d'Idées, LaBRI, et al.
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- notification date: n/a
- start date: n/a
- expected duration: n/a
- restricted area
➜ POP was selected as one of the projects of the Incubator of Social Innovation ATIS.
Image source: POP project
Myriad - maturation of a myriad of drones
- goal: build an autonomous, resilient and scalable drone swarm with an
inter-drone docking feature
- role: project leader, principal investigator
- funded by: SATT Aquitaine as a maturation project
- budget: global 210.000 euros ex VAT / LaBRI 179.000 ex VAT
- partners: LaBRI, SATT Aquitaine
- subcontractors: R&Drone
- official support: Parrot, Eurogiciel, Aetos Cluster
- web site: n/a
- start date: 2017/03/01
- expected duration: 11 months
Real Time Drones to Cloud to Glasses 3D Reconstruction
Memory Palace
- goal: the Palace of Memory is an installation that allows performers to leave sounds
in space. These sounds are replayed when passed by.
- approach:
- Research topic : precise indoor location.
- role: co-investigator
- funded by: Arts and Sciences program of Excellence Initiative of Université de Bordeaux
- global budget: n/a
- LaBRI budget: n/a
- partners: LaBRI, IRCAM
- subcontractors: n/a
- official support: n/a
- web site: n/a
- notification date: n/a
- start date: n/a
- expected duration: n/a
- restricted area
Image source: Memory Palace project
Projects (former) [ top ]
Trusted (PI) - TRUSted TEstbed for Drones -
- funded by : CNRS, PROJET PEPS INS2I 2016 Sécurité Informatique et des Systèmes Cyber-physiques
- goal : ensure the security of the mission data anf of the collected data in drone systems
Suited (CI) and Suited-BX (PI)
- funded by : XLIM, LaBRI, Muse research group
- goal : set up a test beed to experiment on security aspects of swarms of drones
United (CI) and UniteD-BX (PI)
- funded by : XLIM, LaBRI, Muse research group
- goal : set up a test beed to experiment on networks aspects of swarms of drones
- funded by : Thales (PRI, Projet de Recherche Interne)
- partners : LaBRI, Thales
- goal : study the usage of Network Coding in a swarm of drones (for communication efficiency and security)
- funded by : EDA (European Defense Agency)
- partners : LaBRI, Thales, Fly-n-Sense, University of Luxembourg, Franhoffer
- goal : study multi-* aspects of swarms of drones (multi-swarms, multi-level, multi-senosrs)
- web site :
Conferences and publications involvment [ top ]
- Conference Organization
IWJPDC, International Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing
IWJPDC 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,, 2006, 2007
- Steering Committees and Advisory Chairs
- 2009
- WISTP 2009,
Workshop In Information Security Theory and Practices:
Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems and Ubiquitous Networks
- ICIW 2009,
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
Venice, Italy, May, 2009.
- Program Committees
- 2018
- IEEE PIMRC 2018, the 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications. Bologna, Italy, September 9-12, 2018.
- ICISSP 2018,
4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy.
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 22-24, 2018.
- 2017
- ICUMT 2017,
The 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems.
Munich, Germany, November 6-8, 2017.
- WISTP 2017,
International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practices.
Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Septembre 28-29, 2017.
- 2016
- SETIT 2016, The 7th internationla Conference SETIT 2016 Science of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 18 to 20, 2016.
- 2011
- PDCS 2011,
The 23rd IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Systems, Dallas, USA, December 14 to 16, 2011.
- ICUMT 2011 (Telecommunications track),
3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and
Control Systems, Budapest, Hungary, October 5 to 7, 2011.
- SGH 2011,
International Conference on Smart Grid and Home,
Busan, Korea, May 26 to 28, 2011.
- ISA 2011,
The 5th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance,
Brno University, Czech Republic, August 15 to 17, 2011.
- 2010
- ICIW 2010,
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
Barcelona, Spain, May, 2010.
- 2009
- N2S 2009,
IFIP Network and Service Security Conference,
Paris, France, June, 2009.
- WISTP 2009,
Workshop In Information Security Theory and Practices:
Smart Devices, Pervasive Systems and Ubiquitous Networks
- SH'09,
The Fourth International Symposium on Smart Home,
Toronto, Canada, July, 2009.
- ICC 2009,
IEEE International Conference on Communications,
Dresden, Germany
- SecTech 2009, International Conference on Security Technology
Jeju Island, Jeju, Korea, December, 2009.
- ICIW 2009,
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
Venice, Italy, May, 2009.
- ISA 2009,
International Conference on Information Security and Assurance,
Seoul, Korea, 2009.
- ICC 2009,
IEEE International Conference on Communications,Dresden, Germany
- MENS 2009,
International Workshop on Management of Emerging
Networks and Services,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 2009.
- 2008
- MCO'08. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences,
Metz, France and Luxembourg, September, 2008
- ICAS 2008. The Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems,
Gosier, Guadeloupe, March, 2008.
- SH'08,
The Third International Symposium on Smart Home,
Hainan Islan, China, December, 2008.
- ICIW 2008,
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
Athens, Greece, June, 2008.
- FGCN'08,
The Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking
Hainan Islan, China, December, 2008.
- ISA 2008,
International Conference on Information Security and Assurance,
Busan, Korea, 2008.
- 2007
- WISTP 2007. Workshop In Information Security Theory and Practices:
Smart Cards, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Systems,
Heraklion, Greece.
- IAS 2007
International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security
- SELF 2007,
International Workshop on Self-adaptability and Self-management
of Context-aware Systems,
Athens, Greece.
- ICNS 2007,
The Third International Conference on Networking and Services,
Athens, Greece, 2007.
- 2006
- IWWAN 2006,
Internation Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,
New York, USA
- SELF 2006,
International Workshop on Self-adaptability and Self-management of Context-aware Systems,
San Francisco, USA
- ICNS 2006,
The Third International Conference on Networking and Services,
Santa Clara, USA, July, 2006.
- ICIW 2006,
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services,
Gosier, Guadeloupe, French Caribean, February, 2006.
- 2004
- NOTERE 2004,
NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition,
Saidia, Maroc
- 2001
- IC 2001,
International Conference on Internet Computing
- 2000
- NOTERE 2000,
NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition,
Paris, France
- Industrial track chair
IPDPS, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
IPDPS 2005 (Commercial presentations & exhibits committee)
Denver, Collorado, USA
- Publicity Chair
IPDPS, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
IPDPS 2004
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
IPDPS 2003
Nice, France
- Tutorial Chair
PDCS, Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Cambridge, MAssachussetts, USA
PDCS 2007
Open Positions [ top ]
- Security evaluation of the izly

paiement system.
- Development of a Cordova plugin to access the footprint reader of a mobile phone for Android and iOS and definition/documentation of a generic methodology to develop Cordova plugins.
- Development of a HCE module for contactless paiment using a mobile phone.
- Development of a block chain based software suite to secure and trace a bug tracking system.
Special Events [ top ]
- Invited round table speaker at Alins, Air Land Integration Network Seminar,
Octobre 11th, 2013. Organized by ALIS, Air Land Integration Society.
Awards [ top ]
- 2014
- - NFC-Interactive hosting by the Pépinière éco-créative approved
Approval by the Committee of the Pépinière éco-créative for hosting the
NFC-Interactive project.
- - NFC-Interactive wins the Puls'inov Challenge, 2 Octobre, 2014
- NFC-Interactive wins the
Innovation and Technologies challenge organized by the Pulseo
technological innovation, based onb a selection achieved by the Pulseo
team and the Erdyn team (a national leader in innovation consulting,
from strategy elaboration to operational implementation).
- - BPI
- Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche et BPI France
lauréat du concours d’aide à la création d’entreprises de technologies innovantes, dans la catégorie « émergence ».
- 2013
- - NFC-Interctive incubating by IRA approved
Approval by the Committee of the Incubateur Régional d'Aquitaine for hotingincubating the
NFC-Interactive project.
- - NFC-Interactive maturation funding by the SATT Aquitaine approved
Approval by the Investment Committee of Aquitaine Science Transfert for the funding
of the maturation of the NFC-Interactive project.
- - ITEA Awards of Excellence
- Smart Urban Spaces (SUS) - Award of Excellence in the category "Exploitation"
- - Metronum, 19-20 Septembre, 2013
- The NFC-Interactive project has been selected in partnership with the CDC
as one of the thirty most promising innovative companies via a national call
- - Innovaday
- - Destinées Numériques, 28 Novembre, 2013
The NFC-Interactive project has been selected to participate in the
Expert Project Session.
- 2012
- finalist in the BEST EMERGING NFC APPLICATION contest sponsored by Verizon Wireless.
- This contest takes place during the WIMA NFC USA 2012 international conference held in
San Francisco from 27 to 29 November 2012.
- 2010
- - NFC Global Forum
- Finalist in the Research Track of the NFC Forum Global Competition 2010
for ZeKmop - Zero Knowledge Mobile Phone.
- 2005
- - e-smart Most Innovative Technology Award, 2005
Most Innovative Technology Award at esmart 2005
Award given to the team for its work on
the Java Card Grid project presented in:
A Grid of Java Cards to Deal with Security Demanding Application
- 2003
- - Best paper CCCT'03
Best paper of the "Computer and Systems Security session" at
CCCT'03 (Orlando, FL, USA) for: Computing with Java Cards.
Invited Talks [ top ]
- Invited talk at "InspireD Training Workshop The future of Smart
Cards (13 December 2006, Paris, France).
- Invited paper at "The 2006 High Performance Computing &
Simulation (HPC&S) Conference" (Bonn, Germany) for: A High Level
Security Framework for the Grid: the Java Card Grid Testbed.
Press releases [ top ]
Transfer [ top ]
- Co-founder NFC-Interactive
created June 24th, 2014.
- Zekmop Patent
- AirMod transfered to the FlyOps company
- AirMod deposited by the APP
- Visit Helsinky deposited by the The Agency for the Protection
of Programs (APP
- Zekmop deposited by the APP
- Museum quest deposited by the APP
Teaching [ top ]
- University of Bordeaux
- Computer Science
- Master rsm
- Licence
- 3rd year Technological projects
- Mathematics
- University of Limoges
To sort [ top ]
Mes enseignements
Master SDRP (2008-2009)
Master SDRP (2007-2008)
Master SDRP (2006-2007)
Master SDRP (2005-2006)
Master SDRP (2004-2005)
Cartes a puce